5 Ways to Have Tech-Life Balance

Carole Ndianabo
September 24, 2020

Tech makes every day life easy, but it can also lead us to missing out on being present. Refraining from time behind a screen will allow you to connect with yourself and others. Purge those pesky apps, limit your screen-time, and switch your notification settings to get back your tech-life balance!

Friends, Family, Phones... Oh My!

The constant need to be plugged in can interfere with our relationships, and over time, we might start to grow apart from the people we were once closest to. The more time we spend on our phones, the less time we spend interacting with the people we love. Finding a balance between friends, family, and your phone is a great first step to achieving tech-life balance. Try having phone-free dinners as a family, or with your friends. Be selective about alerts and notifications; the goal is simple, spend time with the people you love without technology interrupting.

'Tis The Season for Self Care

If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be? Would you be relaxing on the beach, or chilling on your couch? Channel your happy place...literally! It’s important to take care of yourself now more than ever. It could be as simple as taking a hot bath, going on a walk or listening to music. Come up with a list of activities and habits that are the most restorative to you.

Digital Laundry

Taking a break from time behind a screen will allow you to connect with yourself and others. Purge those pesky apps, limit your screen-time, and switch your notifications to do not disturb to get the most out of the time you spend in a digital detox.

Want to learn about more ways to free yourself from digital overwhelm? Watch our Get Living Live on digital laundry with special guest Tracy McDowell, Founder of Nested Fengshui.

Mental Health Tools

Rethink the way you view rest. Allowing yourself to take time to recharge is not a luxury, it is non-negotiable. Listen to your mind and body, taking breaks when you need to. Apps such as Headspace, Calm, Moment, and lilspace are just a few of our favorite apps that can help you de-stress, increase productivity, elevate your mood, and boost your mental health. 

Check out this full list of mental health apps! https://buckeyerecoverynetwork.com/10-best-mental-health-apps/

Keep Your Head in The Game!

It can be easy to fall into the same old habits. Find a strategy to turn into a consistent routine. Using technology for school still has its distractions so it’s important to make good use of your resources and time. There are many ways to work distraction-free: try different types of study methods, block out dedicated “focus time” on your calendar or create a distraction-free work space. There are plenty of ways to boost focus and productivity!







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