GetLiving 2020: Hi-Res January

GetLiving is a monthly campaign to "Live More" and bring awareness to digital distraction. In this issue, Madi Murata, a Senior from California, shares how to set realistic resolutions for healthy phone usage in 2020.

January 7, 2020

We're a week into the first month of 2020. How will you GetLiving? Join our 2nd year of the GetLiving Campaign to Live More than ever before!

Happy New Year! Let’s kick off 2020 in high-resolution.

This month, set some resolutions for yourself that will allow you to Live More!

Spend some time reflecting on how you used your phone this past year. Check your Screen Time (for iPhone users) or your Digital Wellbeing report (for Android or Google phones) and see how often you are using your phone throughout the day.

Go for a Digital Reality Check...

How often are you on Snapchat, Instagram, or Twitter?  How many texts do you get a day?  How much of the day are you spending on your phone?  Seeing these statistics in black and white can be a huge reality check, and can help you set your resolutions for this year.  Your resolutions should be realistic and things you can actually accomplish. If you spend six hours on your phone each day, maybe set a goal to only be on it for five hours. If you text certain people so much after school that it can distract you from homework, try spending time with them in person by inviting them to study at your house or at a coffee shop. The resolutions you set for yourself should be beneficial and reachable for you. Do your very best to keep up with these resolutions throughout all of 2020! Start the 20’s off right. Good luck, you can do it!  Find group activities and action ideas for this month and every month of 2020 here.

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