GetLiving 2020: Something New September

GetLiving is a monthly campaign to "Live More" and bring awareness to digital distraction.

September 11, 2020

Mix up your routine by trying something new! In this month's initiative by Ashley Huck from Ohio and Freya Klein from Tennessee, Live More by pushing yourself out of your comfort zone.

It’s a new school year, and even though a lot of things are really different, it can be easy to fall into the same old routine.

This month, challenge yourself to Live More by trying something new that doesn’t rely on your devices. Maybe that means joining a new club or activity at school, learning a new skill with friends on Zoom, like cooking or origami, or maybe just going out and experiencing something different together, like going to a drive-in movie, or  for a hike!

Pushing yourself to expand your horizons and step outside of your comfort zone is one of the best ways to GetLiving and form close bonds with the people you love. By spending time trying new things together instead of scrolling and swiping, you can grow your relationships with friends, family, and yourself.

Come up with a list of new things to try with your chapter, family, or friends. Make a plan to check off a few of these items and expand your horizons together! At the end of the month, let us know how many new things you tried together. The chapter with the most will win a prize!

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