Meet the EB: Amitesh

This week, meet Amitesh, a Senior from Ohio.

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September 8, 2020

Welcome to our second annual Meet the EB Series, a blog where we introduce you to the amazing students of the 2020-2021 Engagement Board.

Name: Amitesh Verma

Hometown: Cincinnati, Ohio

Your proudest achievement: The achievement of starting a jazz quartet was the perfect way to further my bond with my immense passion for music — I have never had anything like it before in my life. With an affable group of four individuals, friendships have flourished and my jazz piano improvisation abilities have improved through performances all around the town, including farmer’s markets, graduation parties, and other various gigs. As the leader, it has been my responsibility to ensure the cordial atmosphere persists, granting me insight into how to maintain healthy friendships, making it a valuable achievement for me.

One thing most people don't know about you: We were rehearsing Beethoven's 5th Symphony during marching band practice when I felt a sharp needle penetrate my foot. I bent down, watching the yellow jacket that had just stung me. After developing lumpy, scarlet hives, I was rushed to the emergency room to receive a dose of epinephrine. Many people may not know this about me — the fact that I always carry an epipen due to my severe allergy, something I found out about myself last summer.

Best Live More memory: The summer before my high school career, my family and I decided to embark on an Alaskan cruise; on the surface, I was enthralled by the experience, including luscious views of icebergs, breathtaking interactions with sea life, and memorable family adventures. However, when entering the cruise for the first time, I had been blind to a critical detail — due to traveling on international waters, I would not be able to access any form of WiFi for the complete duration of the trip. At first, this startled me; I mean, I had always taken my phone and cellular connection for granted. However, as time passed, “unplugging” my devices and taking a break from cellular connection allowed me to thoroughly enjoy the cruise to a greater degree. Simply said, obtaining the opportunity to appreciate the vivid views and spend priceless moments with my family was worth the break from the “screens.”

How you GetLiving every day: Especially during this global pandemic, maintaining mental wellness has become a critical necessity. One way I “Get Living” everyday is by taking long walks around my neighborhood, getting a peaceful sense of the natural environment. Usually, I may download a few podcasts of my interest on my phone to listen to during my daily walk.

Favorite song lyrics: “Don’t stop me now / I’m having such a good time.” (From "Don't Stop Me Now by Queen)

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