Meet the EB: Samantha

This week, meet Samantha, a rising Sophomore from Florida!

July 1, 2020

Welcome to our second annual Meet the EB Series, a blog where we introduce you to the amazing students of the 2020-2021 Engagement Board.

Name: Samantha Greenfield

Hometown: Lakewood Ranch, Florida

Your proudest achievement: Winning the election to be the President of my high school’s SADD chapter.

One thing most people don’t know about you: Honestly, I am a really open book. I’m very sociable and outgoing, I enjoy sharing my life with anyone I come across. I tried really hard thinking of an answer to this question, but I really couldn’t think of anything.

Best Live More memory: Two years ago I attended a sleep-away camp for about two months and we were not allowed to bring any form of electronics with us. No phones, laptops, iPads, or anything similar. We spent that summer going on amazing trips such as white water rafting, water parks, and kayaking. We also spent lots of time playing sports and making artwork. During that summer I made so many new friends and memories that I will never forget. At the end of the summer, we had a color war. All campers broke into two teams, red and blue, and competed in activities to earn points for their color. Whichever color had the most points won. During the color war I was selected as Team Captain for Red, it was so much fun leading everybody. It was an amazing experience and taught me that the real world is much more incredible than the digital one.

How you GetLiving every day: When I wake up I usually wait an hour or more to look at my phone. I learned years ago that looking at your phone as soon as you wake up strains your eyes and damages your vision over time. Ever since then, I have learned to not look at my phone when I wake up in the morning and right before I go to bed. This has been adapted into my everyday routine!

Favorite song lyrics: “The sun will rise, and we will try again.” From "Truce" by Twenty One Pilots


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