Thanksgiving 2021: Go Cold Turkey!

Cat Smith
November 18, 2021

Join the TLLM Team in putting our phones down for the day to celebrate!

Hi everyone! Can you believe Thanksgiving 2021 is one week away? The TextLess Live More team is certainly amazed by how quickly this year has gone by. 

We hope everyone has fun plans for the holiday week -- hopefully seeing friends and family! It’s a great time to relax for a bit, to eat good food, to do something that makes you happy. Maybe go for a walk, learn to play a new card game, or send a letter to a friend you haven’t talked to in a while. 

You know what else this week is a great time for? Being mindful of your digital wellness and taking a break from your phone for a bit!

Next Thursday, if you’re spending time with loved ones during Thanksgiving, or simply spending the day being thankful for the good things in your life, we’re challenging you to Go Cold Turkey and put down your phone for the day. 

We get it! You’ve got people to text, cute outfits to see on Instagram, funny tweets making fun of Christopher Columbus to like on Twitter. But that’s the challenge: to try your best to be present in the moment, to make lasting memories with those who are physically around you. Taking a few pictures to document the day is fine, sending some “on our way!” messages is all good. We understand that phones have become an integral part of our lives, and they have many uses to make our days easier. We’re just asking you to spend as little time on your cellular device as possible during a special day. We promise all the social media posts you’re “missing” during the day will still be there the next morning. 

Everyone here at TextLess Live More will be putting our phones away on Thanksgiving Day, and we would love it if you all joined us by Going Cold Turkey! We hope you all have a lovely holiday, good luck!

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